The Zvornik water supply system was first developed in 1961. Since then the system has been expanded to increase capacity in order to meet the town’s needs. The majority of water put into the supply is extracted from underground water sources located close to the River Drina. A smaller quantity of water is added to the system from two gravity-fed spring sources located in the hills above the Drina valley.
The two largest local communities of Lokanj and Pilice are not supplied by the central water supply system in the municipality of Zvornik. The water supply conditions in these villages are very poor; people do not have access to public water, instead, they are using private wells or other water sources whose quality is not suitable.
To improve the existing situation, it is planned to connect these two settlements to a public water supply system thus providing drinking water to approximately 4,250 inhabitants. This can be achieved by connecting settlements Lokanj and Pilica to the existing water system of Branjevo and the water system of Zvornik-North.
The investments include:
The water network with a length of 41,7 km of pipes will supply water to a total population of 4,250 scattered in 27 village settlements.
The WWTP for Tabanci is the final step in order to treat wastewater from this settlement as the sewer network and collectors have been already constructed. The biological wastewater treatment plant will receive the wastewater from the existing sewage network and will discharge the treated effluent into the Drina River.
These developments will improve the water supply system and wastewater management, ensure the supply of sufficient quantities of hygienically safe water to consumers, and improve sanitary and health conditions for residents in the wider area of the municipality of Zvornik.