Mediterranean Corridor, Montenegro - Croatia - Albania R1 Road Interconnection, Budva Bypass: Preliminary Design, ESIA

Mediterranean Corridor, Montenegro - Croatia - Albania R1 Road Interconnection, Budva Bypass: Preliminary Design, ESIA

Project Description

Budva Bypass, as part of the Adriatic-Ionian Highway (AIH), is located on the extension of one out of three TEN-T Core Corridors that intersect the Western Balkans region - Mediterranean Corridor, Route R1. The total length of the selected variant for Budva Bypass is approximately 30 km comprising a middle section (13 km) and northern and southern sections (17 km). The investment aims to improve the level of service provided by road transport infrastructure in line with the TEN-T regulatory requirements.

Following the initial support to identifying the Budva bypass as a priority investment, WBIF has provided two combined TA grants to support the preparation of the Preliminary Design for the entire bypass (30 km in total), Detailed Design and Tender Documents for the middle section (13 km), and accompanying technical documentation for the construction works in compliance with the national legislation, Lead IFI requirements, and EU standards.

This €2.1 million TA grant is a direct extension of a previously approved €2.5 million grant from December 2017 provided by WBIF for the preparation of mentioned documents.

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners