Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans 2021-2027

Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans 2021-2027

Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans 2021-2027

‘The Plan offers a path for a successful regional economic integration to help accelerate convergence with the EU and close the development gap between our regions, ultimately speeding up the process of EU integration. This plan should help to transform the Western Balkans into one of the most attractive regions for investments in the world.’

Olivér Várhelyi

About Us


The Economic and Investment Plan identifies 10 investment flagships and aims to spur the long-term recovery, accelerate a green and digital transition, and foster regional cooperation and convergence with the EU. It will help attract public and private investments, backed by the Western Balkan Guarantee Facility, which has a potential to mobilise up to €20 billion. Investments will only be sustainable if Western Balkan partners accelerate reforms, including in the area of rule of law and fight against corruption.


The main aim of the Economic and Investment Plan is to spur the long-term economic recovery of the region and foster regional economic integration. We want to support a green and digital transition in the Western Balkans, the implementation of reforms required to move forward on the EU path, and bring the region closer to the EU Single Market. All of this should lead to sustained economic growth and job creation.

EU Funding

Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA III

Up to

€ 9 bn

in EU funding

To support:

  • economic convergence with the EU
  • competitiveness and inclusive growth
  • sustainable connectivity
  • twin green and digital transition

Western Balkans Guarantee Facility

Up to

€ 20 bn

of investments

To reduce:

  • the cost of financing for public and private investments
  • the risk for investors

COVID-19 EU Support Package

Team Europe

€ 3.3 bn

for the region

To support:

  • health sector
  • businesses and public sector
  • socio-economic recovery
  • transport of equipment

Under the adopted Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021-2027

Economic and Investment Plan Priorities

Package of infrastructure projects

frontloaded for funding in 2021-22 with the expectation that these would unlock significant investments

EU digital strategy

as the guiding principle for a human-centric digital transformation of their economies and societies

Common Regional Market

as a stepping-stone to integrate the region more closely with the EU Single Market

Human and entrepreneurial capacity

to innovate and develop an economic niche

European Green Deal

offers a blueprint for joint action to tackle the challenges of green transition

Good governance and rule of law

and respect for fundamental rights, functioning of democratic institutions and public administration

Connectivity Agenda Projects

Progress to date (January 2022)

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