Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance

The WBIF through the Implementation Project Facilities (IPFs) provides the technical assistance to the main investment projects in the form of feasibility and ESIA studies, detailed design, etc.

Filtered by:

Beneficiary Investment Sector Status Completion (est)
Albania Wastewater Sanitation in Lezha and Shengjin Environment Completed 01 Mar 2012
Albania Project of Water Supply & Sewerage in Kamza Environment Completed 01 Feb 2011
Albania Upgrading of Kavaja Wastewater Treatment Plant and Completion of Sewerage Network for Golemi Environment Completed 01 May 2011
Bosnia and Herzegovina Reconstruction of Railway Section Sarajevo - Podlugovi on Corridor Vc Transport Completed 01 Aug 2013
North Macedonia Construction of OHL 400kV North Macedonia - Serbia Energy Completed 01 Dec 2010
Montenegro Berane Wastewater Treatment Plant Environment Completed 01 Jun 2010
Montenegro Pljevlja Centre for Elderly Social Completed 01 May 2013
Montenegro Reconstruction of Main Road Scepan Polje - Pluzine (Bosnia and Herzegovina Border ) Transport Completed 01 Jun 2010
Serbia Municipal and Regional Infrastructure Social Completed 01 Feb 2011
Albania Feasibility Study for Construction of  220 kV Double Circuit Line Tirana 2 - Razhbull and New 220/110 kV Substation with 120 MVA Capacity in Rrogozhina Energy Completed 01 Dec 2010
Albania Feasibility Study and Detailed Design for Improvement of Flood Protection Infrastructure in Albania Environment Completed 01 May 2012
Bosnia and Herzegovina Water and Sanitation in Republika Srpska - 15 Municipalities Environment Completed 01 Jan 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina Water and Sanitation Federation FBiH - 16 Municipalities Environment Completed 01 Sep 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bijeljina Wastewater Treatment Plant Implementation Environment Completed 01 Oct 2012
Bosnia and Herzegovina Reconstruction of Distribution Networks in the Municipalities Connected to Plava Voda Regional Water Supply Project - 4 Municipalities Environment Completed 01 Feb 2014
Kosovo* Improvement of District Heating, Phase 2 - CHP Energy Completed 01 Apr 2011
Kosovo* Project Preparation Feasibility Studies for Wastewater Treatment Plants in Kosovo Environment Completed 01 Mar 2015
North Macedonia Health Provider Institutions (HPIs) Social Completed 01 May 2014
Montenegro Wastewater Treatment Plant and Network in Kolasin Environment Completed 01 Jul 2012
Montenegro Wastewater Treatment Plant and Network in Rozaje Environment Completed 01 Dec 2012
Montenegro Construction of Main Road Scepan Polje - Pluzine (Bosnia and Herzegovina Border) Transport Completed 01 Apr 2014
Serbia Municipal Water - Novi Sad Municipality Environment Completed 25 May 2017
Serbia Building the Knowledge Economy in Serbia, R&D Infrastructure Initiative / Teaching Infrastructure Investment Programme Social Completed 01 Oct 2010
Serbia Modernisation of Judiciary Facilities Social Completed 01 Mar 2012
Serbia Modernisation of Prison Facilities / Providing Humane and Safe Prison System Social Completed 01 Mar 2015
Serbia Social Housing Serbia Social Completed 01 Sep 2010
Albania Tirana University Hospital Centre Reform Programme in Albania - 2nd Phase Social Completed 01 Jul 2010
Albania Feasibility Study for Track Renewal, Signalling and Communication Systems in the Whole Network of Albanian Railway Transport Completed 01 Jun 2009
Albania Education, Excellence and Equity Project (EEE-P) and Rehabilitation of Tirana Schools – 2nd Phase Social Completed 01 Apr 2012
Albania Upgrade of Transmission System Energy Completed 01 Jun 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina State Prison Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina Social Completed 01 Jun 2010
Bosnia and Herzegovina Plava Voda Regional Water Supply Project Environment Completed 01 Mar 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina Construction of Main Road Foca (Brod na Drini) - Hum (Montenegro Border) Transport Completed 01 Dec 2012
Bosnia and Herzegovina Corridor Vc (Road) – Second Phase Transport Completed 01 Mar 2014
Kosovo* Regional Water Company Pristina Environment Completed 01 Feb 2010
Kosovo* Rehabilitation of Railway Route 10 (Leshak – Mitrovicë – Fushë Kosovë – Ferizaj – Hani i Elezit) Transport Completed 01 Nov 2010
North Macedonia Idrizovo Prison Reform Project in North Macedonia Social Completed 01 Nov 2013
North Macedonia Pilot Project – Windpark Development Energy Completed 01 Dec 2010
Montenegro Electricity Network Development Programme Energy Completed 01 Dec 2012
Montenegro Podgorica Water Infrastructure Project Environment Completed 01 Feb 2010
Montenegro Podgorica Wastewater Project Environment Completed 01 Feb 2010
Serbia Reconstruction of the Line Nis - Presevo - Macedonian Border Transport Completed 01 Jul 2010
Serbia Feasibility Study for Collection and Treatment of Wastewater in the Municipality of Vranje and Uzice Environment Completed 01 Jul 2010
Serbia Trans-Balkan Corridor: Upgrading to 400kV of the Transmission System in Western Serbia Energy Completed 01 Nov 2011
Albania Project Preparation, Feasibility Studies, Detailed Design and Supervision Services for construction/reconstruction of water supply systems in rural areas Environment Completed 31 Jul 2017
Kosovo* Gjakova District Heating Rehabilitation: Feasibility Study for Fuel Switching and System Expansion Energy Completed 11 Jan 2018
North Macedonia Water and Sewerage Programme Environment Completed 29 Sep 2020
Montenegro Gas Development Masterplan Energy Completed 05 Jun 2017
Montenegro Reliability and Safety Improvement of Bar - Vrbnica Railway Line (SEETO Rail Route 4) Transport Completed 29 Jun 2016
Montenegro Priority Bypass on the Montenegrin Coast Transport Completed 31 Dec 2017
Serbia Post-earthquake Housing Reconstruction in Kraljevo: Technical Advisory, Designs, Tender Documents Social Completed 16 Jan 2019
Serbia Construction of Highway E-80 (Merdare to Doljevac) Transport Completed 27 Sep 2015
Albania Gas Masterplan for Albania Energy Completed 17 May 2017
Kosovo* Comprehensive Network (Road 6b): Pre-feasibility Study, Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, and Concept Design for Road N9 Pristina - Peja, Kijevë/Klina - Zahaq/Zahac Section Transport Completed 11 Jan 2018
Kosovo* Highway section E, Pristina - Merdare Transport Completed 31 Dec 2018
North Macedonia Corridor VIII: Beljakovce - Kriva Palanka Railway Section Transport Active 31 Dec 2026
Bosnia and Herzegovina Sava river basin flood management Environment Completed 29 Dec 2018
Croatia SEECEL implementation support Social Completed 03 Mar 2017
Serbia Judiciary Facilities - Kataniceva Building Social Completed 18 Nov 2016
Serbia Modernisation of Kragujevac and Pančevo Prison Facilities: Design Review, Tender Documents, and Procurement Assistance Social Completed 18 Apr 2018
Albania Detail design for 400 kV OHTL interconnection Elbasan-Bitola (Albanian part) including substation Elbasan 2 extension Energy Completed 12 May 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina WATSAN Programme in Republika Srpska: Programme Management Support Environment Completed 19 Jun 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina Preparation of Flood Hazard and Flood Risk Maps and Support to the PMU for Flood Risk Management Environment Completed 30 Nov 2020
Kosovo* Works Supervision for Rehabilitation of Railway Route 10 Phase 1: Section Fushe/Kosove – Border with North Macedonia Transport Completed 31 Jan 2023
North Macedonia Reconstruction of Penitentiary Institutions in North Macedonia Social Completed 09 Nov 2017
Montenegro Reconstruction of Scepan Polje - Pluzine Road: Detailed Design, Tender Documents, ESIA Transport On Hold 28 Feb 2023
Serbia Supervision of construction works and equipment of the new prison facilities in Pancevo and Kragujevac Social Completed 29 Jun 2023
Albania Feasibility Study for the Rehabilitation of Railway Line Durres - Pogradec - Lin and New Rail Line Link to Border with North Macedonia Transport Completed 07 Dec 2018
North Macedonia Preparation of the technical documentation for the construction of the Railway Joint Border Station between North Macedonia and Serbia Transport Completed 06 Dec 2018
Montenegro Special Inspection of 106 tunnels and Development of the Main Designs for their Rehabilitation Transport Completed 07 Oct 2020
Bosnia and Herzegovina Technical documentation Preparation and TSO support for 400 kV Interconnection Serbia – Montenegro – Bosnia and Hercegovina - Regional Project Energy Completed 14 Nov 2022
Albania Strengthening the Capacity of the Public Sector to Undertake PPPs in the Western Balkans PrivateSectorDevelopment Completed 27 Jun 2019
Serbia Preparation of technical documentation for the major Batajnica sewerage system facilities with WWTP Environment Active 31 Dec 2025
Serbia Preliminary Design and Feasibility Study with ESIA for Construction of Highway E-80 Transport Completed 31 Dec 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina Support to the Construction of a Maximum Security State Prison Social Completed 31 Dec 2020
Bosnia and Herzegovina Medical Faculty, Research Centre and School Social Completed 31 Dec 2018
Kosovo* Lepenc Canal Feasibility Study Environment Completed 31 Dec 2020
Kosovo* Preliminary Design and ESIA for Fushe Kosova/Kosovo Polje – Podujevo Railway Line Transport Completed 23 Mar 2022
Kosovo* Orient/East-Med Corridor: Detailed Technical Project Design and Tender Preparation for Fushe Kosove/Kosovo Polje - Mitrovica Railway Line (Rail Route 10) Transport Active 31 Dec 2024
Montenegro Orient/East-Med Corridor: Reliability and Safety Improvements on Bar - Vrbnica Railway Line Phase 2 (Concrete Bridges) Transport Completed 29 Mar 2020
Bosnia and Herzegovina Technical Assistance for South East European Regional Security Coordination Initiative (SEE RSCI) Energy Completed 29 Apr 2020
Albania Adriatic-Ionian Highway/Expressway: Feasibility Study Transport Completed 28 Sep 2019
Serbia Technical documentation Preparation and TSO support for 400 kV OHL Obrenovac – Bajina Basta Energy Completed 17 Oct 2022
Serbia Orient/East-Med Corridor (R10) Reconstruction and modernisation section Stalac-Krajlevo-Rudnica Transport Completed 29 Sep 2020
Kosovo* Detailed Design and Tender Preparation for the Northern Part of Railway Route 10 (Mitrovica - Lesak - Border with Serbia) Transport On Hold 30 Jun 2025
North Macedonia Modernisation of Tabanovce - Gevgelija Railway Line: ETCS Level 1 for Rail Corridor X and Improvement of Signalling Along the Macedonian Railway Network Transport Completed 29 Jun 2020
North Macedonia Preparation of Pre-feasibility Study for Railway Line Skopje - Kicevo as Central Part of Rail Corridor VIII Transport Completed 29 Jun 2020
North Macedonia Modernisation of Tabanovce - Gevgelija Railway Line: Installation of GSMR Along Corridor X Transport Completed 29 Jun 2020
Montenegro Montenegro Wastewater and Water Supply Projects: Technical Assistance in Preparation of Project Documentation Environment Completed 31 Dec 2020
Montenegro Montenegro Wastewater and Water Supply Projects - Technical Assistance in Project Implementation - Supervision of Works for Podgorica WWTP Design and Build Environment Active 30 Dec 2027
Albania Preliminary Design of the Ionian Adriatic Gas Pipeline - Montenegro and Albania Sections Energy Completed 26 Aug 2021
Albania Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans - REEP Plus Energy Completed 31 Dec 2021
Albania Prefeasibility Study for Albania - Kosovo Gas Pipeline Energy Completed 31 Dec 2018
Serbia High Education Infrastructure Social Active 08 Nov 2024
Serbia Preliminary Design and Feasibility Study with ESIA for Contruction of Highway E-80 in Serbia (SEETO Route 7): from Kosovo* (administrative crossing Merdare) to Plocnik Transport Completed 31 Dec 2020
Albania Detailed design for rehabilitation of railway line Vorë - Han i Hotit Transport Completed 18 Apr 2021
Albania Detailed design for the Tirana bypass (Kashar-Vaqarr-Mullet) Transport Active 28 Dec 2021
Kosovo* N9 Prishtinë - Pejë (SEETO Route 6 B) section from Kijevë - Klina to Zahaq (30 Km) Transport Completed 31 Dec 2020
Montenegro Rehabilitation of Vrbnica - Bar Railway Line in Montenegro along the Main Belgrade - Bar Railway (Rail Route 4) Transport Completed 29 Sep 2020
Serbia Preparation of the Design for the building permit for modernization of the railway line Niš – Dimitrovgrad and preparation of the tender documents. Transport Completed 06 Jun 2023
Albania Skavica Hydropower Plant: Feasibility Study and ESIA Energy Completed 31 Dec 2020
Albania Shkodra/Skadar Lake Area, Villages of Shiroka and Zogaj, Water Supply and Sewage Systems and Improvement of Waste Management: Feasibility Study & ESIA Environment Completed 31 Aug 2020
Albania Durres Port, Reconstruction of Quays 1 & 2: Pre-feasibility Study, Feasibility Study, ESIA, Review and Update of Detailed Design and Tender Documentation Transport Completed 29 Mar 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina WATSAN Programme in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Extended TA Support for the Implementation and Management of the Project Environment Completed 30 Sep 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina Corridor Vc, Construction of Motorway Section Svilaj - Odzak, Border Crossing and Interstate Bridge on the Sava River: Financial Management and Monitoring of the Project Transport Completed 05 Feb 2021
Kosovo* Upgrading the Physical Infrastructure of Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare Institutions: Feasibility Study, Tender Documents Social Completed 13 Mar 2019
Kosovo* Pristina Intermodal Terminal: General Rehabilitation and Construction of Railway Line Pristina - Pristina Airport "Adem Jashari": Feasibility Study and ESIA Transport Completed 23 Nov 2021
North Macedonia Reconstruction of Penitentiary Institutions: Extended TA Support for the Implementation and Management of the Project Social Completed 31 Oct 2020
Montenegro Orient/East-Med Corridor, SEETO Route 4, Railway Line Vrbnica – Bar, Replacement of the Signal - Safety System in the Northern Part: Connection to Central Command and Main Design for the Rehabilitation of Landslide Ratac Transport Completed 27 Jun 2021
Montenegro Orient/East-Med Corridor, SEETO Route 4, Bar - Boljare Highway, Matesevo – Andrijevica Section: Preliminary Design and ESIA Transport Completed 05 Dec 2022
Montenegro Orient/East-Med Corridor, SEETO Route 4, Bar - Boljare Highway, Podgorica Bypass: Preliminary Design and ESIA Transport Active 28 Jun 2020
Albania Regional Study for Voltage Profile Improvement: Feasibility Study Energy Completed 31 Jan 2021
Serbia Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings - Education Facilities: Extended TA Support for the Implementation and Management of the Project Energy Active 31 Jan 2027
Albania Albania, Water Sector Performance and Investment Programme/Municipal Infrastructure V: Feasibility Studies, Preliminary Designs Environment Completed 30 Apr 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, WATSAN Programme in Republika Srpska: Project Appraisals, Feasibility Studies, Tender Dossiers Environment Completed 29 Feb 2024
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Regional Sanitary Landfill for Zivinice, Banovici and Kladanj: Supervision of Works Environment Active 31 Jul 2024
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mediterranean Corridor (Road CVc), Construction of Konjic (Ovčari) - Mostar North Motorway Section, Subsection Konjic (Ovčari) - Entrance to Tunnel Prenj: Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, Tender Documentation Transport Active 31 Dec 2024
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mediterranean Corridor (Road CVc), Construction of Tarčin - Konjic Motorway Section, Subsection Ivan - Ovčari: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Detailed Design Transport Active 31 Dec 2024
Kosovo* Kosovo, River Basins Drini i Bardhe, Lepenc and Sitnica: Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Environment Completed 22 Feb 2021
Kosovo* Comprehensive Network (Road R6b), Construction of N9 Pristinë - Pejë Highway, Section Kijevë/Klina - Zahaq/Zahac: Detailed Design Transport Completed 25 Apr 2019
North Macedonia Orient/East-Med Corridor (Road R6a), Construction of A4 Skopje - Blace Motorway, Section Interchange Stenkovec - Blace: Detailed Design, ESIA, Tender Documentation Transport Completed 30 Nov 2022
Montenegro Mediterranean Corridor (Road R1), Adriatic-Ionian Highway, Construction of Budva Bypass: Preliminary Design Transport Completed 05 Jun 2023
Montenegro Orient/East-Med Corridor, Road R4, Construction of Bar - Boljare Highway: Feasibility Study with Cost-Benefit Analysis Transport Completed 02 Dec 2022
Serbia Serbia, Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in Medium-sized Municipalities VI: Feasibility Studies, Environmental Impact Assessments, Detailed Designs, Tender Dossiers Environment Completed 31 Aug 2023
Serbia Serbia, West Morava and Tamiš Sub-river Basins, Infrastructure Programme for Integrated Water Management: Pre-feasibility Studies, Conceptual Designs Environment Completed 27 Aug 2021
Serbia Orient/East-Med Corridor (Road R7), Construction of Niš - Merdare Highway, Section Niš (Merošina) - Pločnik (Beloljin): Detailed Design Transport Completed 27 Nov 2021
Albania Albania, Regional Broadband Infrastructure Development: Feasibility Study DigitalInfrastructure Completed 04 Sep 2020
Albania Albania, Mati River Flood Protection Infrastructure: ESIA, Detailed Design, Tender Dossier Environment Completed 25 May 2021
Albania Albania, Water Supply and Sewerage Systems in Himara Municipality and Its Coastal Villages: Detailed Design, Tender Dossier Environment Completed 30 Jun 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Flood Risk Management Project: Preparation of Flood Hazard and Flood Risk Maps Phase II Environment Completed 30 Nov 2020
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Flood Risk Management Project: Continuation of Procurement Assistance for the Flood Risk Management Project in Republika Srpska Environment Completed 27 Apr 2023
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mediterranean Corridor, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia CVc Road Interconnection, Počitelj - Zvirovići Subsection: Supervision of Works Transport Active 11 Mar 2024
Kosovo* Orient/East-Med Corridor, Kosovo - Serbia R7 Road Interconnection, Pristina - Merdare Section: Tender Dossier, Supervision of Works Transport Active 31 Dec 2024
North Macedonia North Macedonia, Skopje Wastewater Treatment Plant: Project Implementation Consultant Environment Completed 31 Dec 2021
Montenegro Mediterranean Corridor, Montenegro - Croatia - Albania R1 Road Interconnection, Budva Bypass: Preliminary Design, ESIA Transport Completed 05 Jun 2023
Serbia Orient/East-Med Corridor, Serbia - Bulgaria CXc Rail Interconnection, Niš Bypass: Design for Building Permit, Tender Dossier Transport Completed 06 Jun 2023
Serbia Orient/East-Med Corridor, Serbia - North Macedonia CX Rail Interconnection, Niš - Preševo - Border Between the Two States Section: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Preliminary Design, Tender Dossier Transport Active 23 May 2025
Albania Regional and Local Roads Transport Completed 31 Dec 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina Corridor Vc Motorway Transport Completed 31 Jan 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mahovljani Interchange: Assistance with Institutional Strengthening of RS Motorways Transport Completed 13 Sep 2011
Serbia Corridor X Serbia Transport Completed 31 Dec 2015
Albania Albania, Dumrea Underground Natural Gas Storage: Feasibility Study, ESIA Energy Completed 24 Nov 2021
Albania Albania, Fier – Vlora Gas Transmission Pipeline: Detailed Design, Tender Dossier Energy Completed 14 Oct 2022
Albania Albania, Flood Protection Infrastructure on Erzen-Ishem, Shkumbin, Seman and Vjosa Rivers: Feasibility Study, ESIA Environment Active 10 Dec 2024
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka Medical Faculty, Centre for Education & Research, Faculty of Healthcare and Secondary Medical School: Feasibility Study, EIA, Preliminary Design, Detailed Design for Infrastructure and Utility Networks, Auxiliary Facilities Social Completed 12 Apr 2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mediterranean Corridor, Bosnia and Herzegovina – Croatia CVc Road Interconnection, Exit Prenj Tunnel – Mostar North Subsection: Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, ESIA Transport Active 31 Dec 2024
Kosovo* Kosovo, Mitrovica and Gjilan Wastewater Treatment Plants: Tender Dossier, PIU Support Environment Active 30 Jun 2026
North Macedonia North Macedonia, Optimisation of the Energy Utilisation of the Crna Reka: ESIA, Feasibility Study Energy Completed 31 May 2024
Montenegro Montenegro, Mojkovac Prison: Feasibility Study Review, Preliminary Design, EIA, Detailed Design, Tender Dossier Social Completed 30 Nov 2022
Montenegro Mediterranean Corridor, Montenegro – Albania R2 Rail Interconnection, Podgorica – Border Between the Two States Section: Feasibility Study, Conceptual Design, ESIA, PIU Support Transport Completed 03 Apr 2023
Serbia Rhine-Danube Corridor, Belgrade Port: Pre-feasibility Study, Conceptual Design Transport Completed 15 Nov 2022
Serbia Mediterranean Corridor, Serbia – Croatia CX Rail Interconnection, Belgrade – Šid –Border Between the Two States Section: Feasibility Study, Preliminary Design, ESIA Transport Active 31 Oct 2024
Albania Albania, Elbasan Functional Waste Area: Feasibility Study, ESIA, PIU Support Environment Completed 28 Oct 2022
Albania Albania, Fier Functional Waste Area: Feasibility Study, ESIA, PIU Support Environment Completed 28 Oct 2022
Albania Albania, Water Supply and Sewerage Systems in Himara Municipality and Its Coastal Villages: Supervision of Works Environment Active 30 Mar 2026
Albania Comprehensive Network, Corridor VIII, Durres – Rrogozhine Railway Section: Detailed Design, Tender Dossier Transport Completed 07 Mar 2022
Kosovo* Kosovo, District Heating Systems: Feasibility Study, ESIA Energy Active 31 Jan 2024
Kosovo* Kosovo, Gas Development Plan and Regulatory Framework Review and Assistance Energy Completed 08 Nov 2023
Kosovo* Kosovo, Development of a Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) Management Plan for Kosovo Environment Completed 16 Jun 2023
Kosovo* Kosovo, Construction of the Kremenate Dam: Detailed Design Update, Tender Dossier Environment Active 30 Jun 2026
Kosovo* Kosovo, Sewage and Rainwater Network for Pristina Agglomeration: Feasibility Study/Masterplan Environment Completed 30 Jun 2022
Kosovo* Kosovo, Construction and Rehabilitation of Healthcare Infrastructure: Feasibility Study, Conceptual Design, Other Social Active 22 Jul 2025
North Macedonia North Macedonia, North Macedonia – Kosovo Gas Interconnection: Feasibility Study, ESIA Scoping Energy Completed 30 Aug 2023
North Macedonia North Macedonia, Strengthening the Transmission Network in the Southeast Region of North Macedonia: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Preliminary Design, Tender Dossier Energy Active 10 Aug 2024
Montenegro Montenegro, Broadband Infrastructure Development: National Broadband Development Plan, PIU Support DigitalInfrastructure Completed 09 Dec 2021
Montenegro Orient/East-Med Corridor, Route 4, Golubovci – Bar Section of the Bar – Vrbnica Railway Line: ESIA, Preliminary Design, Detailed Design, PIU Support, Other Transport Active 30 Nov 2024
Albania REEP Plus, Window 4 - Public Buildings: Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings Energy Active 31 Dec 2026
Serbia Serbia, North CSE Corridor, New 400/110 kV 2x300 MVA Belgrade West Substation and OHL 400 kV Serbia – Romania: Pre-feasibility Study, ESIA Energy Completed 27 Aug 2021
Serbia Serbia, Energy Efficiency Renovation Programme of Central Government Buildings: PIU Support Energy Completed 27 Sep 2023
Serbia Serbia, Construction of the Struganik Dam: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Preliminary Design Environment Active 20 Jun 2025
Serbia Serbia, Flood Risk Management Programme for Central Serbia: Flood Risk Management Plan, Strategic Environmental Assessment Environment Active 30 May 2024
Serbia Orient/East-Med Corridor, Belgrade Marshalling Yard – Ostruznica – Batajnica Railway Line: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Preliminary Design, Tender Documents Transport Active 10 Oct 2023
Kosovo* Kosovo, Connecting Primary and Secondary Schools in Kosovo: Feasibility Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis DigitalInfrastructure Completed 17 Jan 2023
Albania Balkans Digital Highway: Feasibility Study and Cost Benefit Analysis, Preliminary Design DigitalInfrastructure Completed 30 Dec 2023
Serbia Serbia, Next Generation Broadband Connectivity for Rural Schools in White Zones: Fixed Broadband Mapping, Feasibility Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Conceptual Designs, ESIA, Preliminary Designs DigitalInfrastructure Completed 30 Apr 2022
Albania Albania, Development of a Broadband Atlas for Albania: Pre-feasibility Study DigitalInfrastructure Completed 16 Nov 2022
Albania Albania, Smart Cities – Smart Villages: Conceptual Design, Feasibility Study and ESIA for Three Pilot Cities DigitalInfrastructure Active 30 Jun 2023
Albania Albania, Regional HPC Infrastructure, Interconnection of Regional University Campuses via WB NREN to the Infrastructure and Upgraded HPC-hosting Data Centre: Pre-feasibility Study, Needs Assessment DigitalInfrastructure Completed 28 Feb 2023
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Water Project: Technical Assistance for Supervision of Works Financed by Tranche 2 Loan Environment Active 31 Mar 2027
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Housing and Social Integration of Vulnerable Persons Living in Collective Accommodation: Technical Assistance for Project Implementation, Management and Coordination Social Active 31 Dec 2024
Serbia Development and Implementation of Integral Torrential Floods and Erosion Protection Measures, Works and Structures Based on a Green Solution in Krupanj Pilot Area, Likodra River Basin Environment Active 16 Dec 2025
Serbia Serbia, Greening the Public Sector - Rehabilitation of the VMA Hospital: Technical Assistance for Project Preparation and Implementation Social Active 30 Jun 2026
Albania Albania, Broadband Development in White Areas in Shkodra, Kukes, Dibra, Vlora, Gjirokastra, Fier, Berat, Korçë: Feasibility Study Update, Tender Documents DigitalInfrastructure Active 31 Oct 2024
Albania Mediterranean Corridor, Murriqan – Lezhë Route 2b Highway Section: Preliminary Design, ESIA Transport Active 21 Jun 2024
Kosovo* Kosovo, Water Supply Improvement and Water Resources Protection for Gjakova Regional Water Company: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Detailed Design, Tender Dossier Environment Completed 21 Jun 2023
Montenegro Montenegro, Pljevlja Sewerage Network Phase 2: Feasibility Study, Detailed Design, Tender Documentation Environment Active 30 Aug 2024
Montenegro Montenegro, Ulcinj Wastewater Treatment Plant and Related Infrastructure: Feasibility Study Update, ESIA, Designs, Tender Documents, PIU Support Environment Active 01 Dec 2023
Montenegro Orient/East-Med Corridor, Bar – Vrbnica Route 4 Railway Line: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Preliminary Design, Tender Documents for Power Supply and Video Surveillance Transport Active 31 Mar 2024
Serbia Serbia, New Campus for the Electrical Engineering and Technical Faculties in Belgrade: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Preliminary Design Social Completed 07 Dec 2022
Serbia Orient/East-Med Corridor, Kraljevo – Rudnica Route 10 Railway Section: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Preliminary Design, Tender Documents Transport Active 02 Apr 2023
Serbia Orient/East-Med Corridor, Pločnik – Merdare Route 7 Highway Section: Detailed Design, Tender Documents Transport On Hold 01 Nov 2023
Albania Albania, Durrës Wastewater Management Project: Feasibility Study, Preliminary Design, ESIA Environment Active 25 Mar 2024
Kosovo* Kosovo, Iber-Lepenc Hydro System Project Phase 1: Preliminary Design, ESIA Environment Active 01 Oct 2024
Kosovo* Kosovo, Flood Risk Maps and Flood Hazard Maps for All River Basins in Kosovo Environment Active 27 Feb 2024
North Macedonia North Macedonia, North Macedonia - Serbia Gas Interconnection: Feasibility Study, ESIA Energy Active 31 May 2023
Serbia Serbia, North Continental South East Corridor: Feasibility Study, ESIA Energy Completed 01 Dec 2022
Serbia Orient/East-Med Corridor, Stalać – Kraljevo Route 11 Railway Section: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Preliminary Design, Tender Documents Transport Active 15 Nov 2024
Albania Albania, High Performance Computing for Government Data and Secure Information Exchange Network for Regional Interoperability in the Western Balkans: Feasibility Study DigitalInfrastructure Active 12 Sep 2025
Albania Albania, Assessment and Evaluation of Dam Safety and Potential of Existing Reservoirs to Improve Irrigation to Enhance Resilience to Climate Change: Pre-feasibility Study Environment Active 01 Jan 2026
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Secondary Sewerage Network for Mostar City: Feasibility Study Update, ESIA, Detailed Design, Tender Dossiers Environment Active 13 Mar 2025
Kosovo* Kosovo, Development of Financial Models for KEEF for Investments in Energy Efficiency Measures for Residential Buildings and SME: Gap Analysis/Roadmap Energy Active 12 Apr 2024
Albania Albania, Expansion of the Government Network (GovNet) to Ensure Faster, Reliable and Secure Communication Between Healthcare Service Providers: Feasibility Study DigitalInfrastructure Active 01 Apr 2024
Albania Albania, Fierza – Koman Pump Storage Plant: Feasibility Study, ESIA, Preliminary Design Energy Active 29 Jun 2025
Albania Albania, Energy Efficient Schools Buildings in Albania (EnE4Schools): Technical Assistance for Project Preparation Energy Active 30 May 2025
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Water and Sanitation Services Modernisation Project: Technical Support to Strengthen Capacities for Securing Efficient Water and Sanitation Services Environment Active 31 Dec 2026
Bosnia and Herzegovina Corridor Vc, Prenj Tunnel Motorway Subsection in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Technical Assistance for Project Implementation Support Transport Active 31 Jul 2031
North Macedonia North Macedonia, Regional Waste Management System in Vardar and Southeast Region: Technical Assistance for Assessment of Regional Waste Management System Development Environment Active 29 Jun 2026
Montenegro Montenegro, Broadband Infrastructure Development: Technical Documentation Update, Tender Documents, Environmental and Social Action Plan DigitalInfrastructure Active 30 Dec 2029
Montenegro Montenegro, Niksic Wastewater Management System, Sewerage Network Phase 2: Feasibility Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis, Detailed Design with E(S)IA, Tender Documents Environment Active 04 Oct 2024
Kosovo* Kosovo, Technical Assistance for Preparation of an Adequate Social Housing Programme Phase 1 Social Active 06 Dec 2025
Montenegro Montenegro, Bar – Boljare Highway: Update of the Bar – Boljare Highway Feasibility Study and Detailed Design, Tender Documents for Matesevo – Andrijevica or Smokovac – Farmaci Section Transport Active 31 Jul 2025
Serbia Serbia, Kolubara A Photovoltaic Power Plant: Development of Investment-Technical Documentation (Pre-feasibility Study with General Design, Feasibility Study, ESIA, Tender Dossiers, Procurement Procedures) Energy Active 29 Jun 2024
Serbia Serbia, Morava Photovoltaic Power Plant: Development of Investment-Technical Documentation (Pre-feasibility Study with General Design, Feasibility Study, ESIA, Tender Dossiers, Procurement Procedures) Energy Active 29 Jun 2024
Serbia Serbia, Solar Thermal and Heat Pump Generated Renewable Energy Integration in Novi Sad District Heating System Energy Active 31 Oct 2024
Albania Albania, New 400 kV OHTL Fier (Albania) – Arachtos (Greece): Feasibility Study, ESIA Energy Active 05 Jan 2026
Albania Albania, Offshore Wind Power Plant: Conceptual Design, Feasibility Study, ESIA Energy Active 31 Dec 2030
Albania Albania, Integrated National Sanitation Strategy & Investment Planning, Regional Masterplan for Tirana Region Environment Active 06 Sep 2025
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Implementation of a Pilot Sustainable Waste Management System in Central Bosnia: Feasibility Study, ESIA Environment Active 01 Oct 2025
Montenegro Montenegro, 400 kV Interconnection OHL Brezna – Crkvičko Polje – Sarajevo: Feasibility Study, ESIA Energy Active 17 Nov 2025
Montenegro Montenegro – Serbia Rail Interconnection, Bar – Vrbnica Section, Sozina Tunnel: Detailed Design, ESIA, Tender Dossier Transport Active 09 Apr 2026
Montenegro Montenegro – Albania Rail Interconnection, Podgorica – Border Between the Two States Section: Detailed Design, ESIA, Tender Dossier Transport Active 29 Sep 2025
Serbia Serbia, Central-Balkan Corridor: Pre-feasibility Study, SEA Energy Active 17 Apr 2025
Albania Feasibility Study for Construction of New Substation 220/110 kV in Tirana 3 (Sauk Area) with 120 MVA Capacity and Reinforcement 110 kV Tirana Ring Energy Completed 01 Dec 2011
Albania TA for Project Implementation Roads Sector Transport Completed 31 Dec 2015
Albania Detailed Design for Tirana-Durres Railway Section and economic financial appraisal for whole rail network Transport Completed 31 Dec 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina Support to the Construction of a Maximum Security State Prison Social Completed 01 Apr 2011
North Macedonia Feasibility Study and ESIA for the Electricity Production and Irrigation Components of the Zletovica Project Energy Completed 31 Dec 2017
North Macedonia Albania - North Macedonia 400 kV Interconnection Energy Completed 01 May 2013
Serbia Rehabilitation of District Heating Systems in Serbia – Phase IV Energy Completed 31 Dec 2016
Kosovo* Energy Efficiency Measures in Public Buildings Energy Completed 01 Jan 2012
Montenegro Construction of Regional Landfills in Plijevlja and Zablijak Environment Completed 01 Apr 2014
Montenegro Construction of Regional Landfills in Montenegro Environment Completed 01 Apr 2014
Serbia Interconnection with Bulgaria Gas Transmission Pipeline Energy Completed 01 Oct 2012
Serbia TA for School Modernisation Programme Social Completed 31 Mar 2016
Serbia TA for Railways Rehabilitation II Transport Completed 30 Jun 2014
Serbia TA for Railway Infrastructure Transport Completed 30 Nov 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina Wind Farm Poklecani Energy Completed 01 Jan 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina Water Leakage Reduction Plan for the Municipality of Tuzla Environment Completed 01 Dec 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina Construction of sewage collectors and wastewater treatment & disposal plant in Cazin Environment Completed 30 Jul 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina Flood Risk Management for the Republic of Srpska Environment Completed 01 May 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina Designing the Medical Faculty, Medical Research Center and Secondary Medical School Social Completed 31 Oct 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina Corridor Vc Railways, Track overhaul Bos. Šamac/Šamac – Sarajevo, Sections Doboj – Maglaj, Jelina-Zenica Transport Completed 01 Apr 2014
Croatia LNG Regasification Vessel Energy Completed 01 Jun 2014
Croatia LNG Evacuation Gas Pipelines Omišalj - Zlobin - Rupa (Slovenia) Energy Completed 01 Nov 2013
Kosovo* Feasibility Study for Key Railway Links (East – West) Transport Completed 01 Jan 2013
North Macedonia National gasification system Energy Completed 19 Jun 2015
North Macedonia Rail Corridor VIII, Kumanovo - Beljakovce Section: Detailed Design, Tender Documents Transport Completed 31 Dec 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina 400 kV Interconnection Serbia – Montenegro – BiH - Regional Project Energy Completed 08 Apr 2015
Albania Regional Project Ionian Adriatic Pipeline Energy Completed 01 May 2014
Croatia Construction and Development of the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning and Strengthening Competitiveness Economy (Entrepreneurial Learning) Social Completed 01 Apr 2014
Serbia Rehabilitation of the District Heating Systems in Serbia – Phase IV” - Program implementation – SECOND STAGE Energy Completed 31 Dec 2016
Albania Albania – North Macedonia Power Interconnection: Feasibility Study for Elbasan - Fier Overhead Transmission Line Energy Completed 24 Sep 2014
Albania Feasibility study for construction of sanitary regional landfill - Vlora region Environment Completed 31 Dec 2015
Albania Master plan & feasibility study for communal infrastructure works in Albanian Alps area Social Completed 31 Dec 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar Water and Sewerage Systems: Project Management, Tender Documents and Procurement Support Environment Completed 30 Sep 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina Brčko Bypass: Technical Assistance during Construction Transport Completed 24 May 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina Study on Toll Collection and System Design for Republika Srpska Motorways Transport Completed 09 Jul 2013
Croatia Zadar University New Campus and University Learning Resource Centre: Feasibility Study, Design and Tender Documents, Project Management Support Social Completed 20 Sep 2018
Montenegro Kolašin Biomass District Heating System: Feasibility Study Energy Completed 24 Sep 2018
Montenegro Electricity Network Expansion for the Development of New Renewable Energy Sources: Feasibility Study, Preliminary Design, ESIA Energy Completed 21 Apr 2023
Montenegro Technical assistance for improvement of water supply system in the Old Royal Capital of Cetinje Environment Completed 31 Dec 2017
Montenegro Preparation of a SEETO road route 4 investment plan for Montenegro Transport Completed 31 Oct 2012
Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia South Gas Interconnection: Pre-feasibility Study Energy Completed 01 Nov 2013
Serbia Extended TA for Judiciary Facilities Social Completed 01 May 2014
Serbia Development of a concept for monitoring & evaluation of inclusive practice in Serbian education system Social Completed 30 Jun 2015
Serbia Belgrade road & tram network upgrade - Phase 2 Transport Completed 01 Nov 2019
Albania Feasibility Study for Tirana Bypass (Kashar - Vaqarr - Mullet) Transport Completed 01 May 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina Vlasic-Travnik 50 MW Wind Farm Energy Completed 31 Dec 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina Support for vulnerable persons living in collective accommodation Social Completed 12 Mar 2021
Bosnia and Herzegovina Support for Construction of Integra Cultural and Sports Centre in Mostar Social Completed 01 May 2014
Kosovo* Energy Efficiency measures in Central Public Buildings Energy Completed 31 Dec 2016
Kosovo* Strengthening Waste Management Environment Completed 30 Jun 2015
Kosovo* Feasibility Study for Protection of Iber Canal Environment Completed 30 Apr 2016
North Macedonia Rail Corridor VIII, Beljakovce - Deve Bair Section: Detailed Design, Tender Documents Transport Completed 29 Jun 2021
North Macedonia Rail Corridor VIII, Kumanovo - Beljakovce Section: Supervision of Works Transport Completed 31 Dec 2018
Montenegro Rehabilitation and Construction of Municipal Water and Sanitation Infrastructure: Tender Documents and Procurement Assistance for Investments in Bijelo Polje, Cetinje, Berane, Plav, Ulcinj, and Andrijevica Environment Completed 30 Sep 2018
Albania Establishment of a Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans Energy Completed 31 Mar 2023
Bosnia and Herzegovina Strengthening of main Croatian transmission North-South axis Energy Completed 31 Mar 2019
Albania Gas to Power Initiative and the Energy Community (EnC) Gas Ring in South East Europe Energy Completed 30 Jun 2018
Albania PPP Institutional Strengthening in the Western Balkans PrivateSectorDevelopment Completed 31 Oct 2014
Albania Pilot Project for Higher and Professional Education Finance in Southeast Europe Social Completed 31 Dec 2014
Albania Updating the Regional Transport Study (REBIS) Transport Completed 30 Jun 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina Smart Metering / Automated Meter Reading (AMR) System: Feasibility Study Energy Completed 06 Mar 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina Water and Sanitation Project in Republika Srpska Environment Completed 01 Mar 2015
Croatia Sava River Regulation and Development: Feasibility Study, including Conceptual Design and Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment Energy Completed 31 Mar 2019
Kosovo* Feasibility Study - Fuel Switching and System Expansion for District Heating in Gjakova Energy Completed 01 Feb 2014
Kosovo* Kosovo education improvement project Social Completed 31 Dec 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina Support to water resources management in Drina River Basin Environment Completed 30 Nov 2015
Serbia EE Programme in public buildings – Serbia EEP Energy Active 31 Jan 2027
Serbia Extended TA for Improvement of Prison Facilities Social Completed 01 Mar 2015
Serbia Orient/East-Med (CX) Corridor: Feasibility Study for Reconstruction and Modernisation of Stalać – Djunis Section on Belgrade – Niš Railway Line Transport Completed 31 Oct 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina HHP Babino selo Energy Completed 31 Jul 2019
Bosnia and Herzegovina WATSAN Programme in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Programme Management Support Environment Completed 24 Nov 2017
Croatia Zadar Uni: new campus & Learning Resource Centre Social Completed 31 Dec 2021
Kosovo* Railway Route 10 Rehabilitation: Fushe Kosove – Hani i Elezit Section Transport Completed 31 Dec 2019
North Macedonia 400kV Interconnection Bitola (North Macedonia) - Elbasan (Albania) Line and Substation Energy Completed 28 Feb 2019
North Macedonia Motorway A4 Skopje - Blace: Stenkovec Interchange - Blace Section Transport Completed 16 Jul 2023
Albania Sector Study on Biomass-based Heating in the Western Balkans Energy Completed 30 Jun 2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina Study for Establishment of the Protection Zones of a “Klokot” Source (Bihać) Intersected by Interstate Boundaries Environment Completed 30 Dec 2020
Albania Higher and Professional Education Finance in Southeast Europe - pilot project Social Completed 31 Dec 2015
Serbia Central Balkan Corridor: Feasibility Study for 400 kV Bajina Basta – Kraljevo Overhead Transmission Line Energy Completed 26 Apr 2018
Serbia Palace of Justice Social Completed 30 Nov 2019
Albania Electrification of Durres – Tirana PTT – Tirana CCS Railway Line and Link to Tirana Airport Transport Active 12 Jul 2024
Kosovo* Assessment of the alternatives to deliver utility-scale dispatchable renewable power to Kosovo Energy Active 28 Mar 2024
Montenegro Bar - Boljare Highway: Road Safety Audits for Podgorica Bypass and Mateševo - Andrijevica Section Transport Completed 16 May 2023
Albania A Regional Strategy for Sustainable Hydropower in the Western Balkans Energy Completed 19 Dec 2018
Albania Regional Study on Renewable Energy Potential and Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans Energy Completed 28 Feb 2020
Albania Gap Analysis and Needs Assessment in the Context of Implementing EU Floods Directive in the Western Balkans Environment Completed 24 Sep 2015
Bosnia and Herzegovina Regional Housing Programme on Durable Solutions for Refugees and Displaced Persons (RHP) Social Completed 30 Jun 2012
Albania Regional Connectivity Networks Gap Analysis Transport Completed 28 Apr 2017
Albania Update of the Connectivity Network Gap Analysis Transport Completed 29 Mar 2020

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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