Sustainable Transport

Sustainable Transport


Sustainable Transport

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Loan value


Transport is the most active sector of WBIF, comprising nearly 50% of the WBIF portfolio, with railways and roads being the largest sub-sectors. To overcome the legacy of fragmented networks, a considerable part of the region’s transport network still requires rehabilitation and upgrading. To facilitate regional trade and deliver sustainable economic growth, the implementation of EU technical standards and connectivity reform measures has become a priority for the region, together with the promotion of low pollution multimodal transport solutions. The benefits of signing the Transport Community Treaty in 2017, and the establishment of its Secretariat in Belgrade, are reflected in better planning of transport investments on the indicative extension of Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

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Investment Priorities

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Spring updates for WBIF factsheets


Spring updates for WBIF factsheets

Overviews by WBIF sector, transport corridor and bilateral donor-funded projects are now available.

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Connectivity Summit “Sustainable Links-Stronger Economy”, Budva 15-16 May


Connectivity Summit “Sustainable Links-Stronger Economy”, Budva 15-16 May

Efficient transportation of people and goods ensures access to jobs and services and enables trade and economi...

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Modernisation of Brčko Port is progressing


Modernisation of Brčko Port is progressing

The construction works on the WBIF project 'Reconstruction and Modernisation of the River Port of Brčko Phase ...

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Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans

The EU will prioritise projects and programmes on the indicative extension of the TEN-T core network which are of strategic interest to the region and to the EU. Action will be taken to speed up construction of new transport infrastructure and the upgrading of existing infrastructure, with the objective of bringing the core transport network up to EU standards. To further spur regional cooperation and integration, connecting capitals in the region and with the EU will be an important priority, as well as promotion of multimodal transport solutions and modal shift, and reducing transport related pollution. 

The projects supported by WBIF follow the priorities of the Economic and Investment Plan, identified as Flagship 1 - Connecting East to West, Flagship 2 - Connecting North to South and Flagship 3 - Connecting the Coastal Areas.

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Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)

Prioritise projects on the indicative extension of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

Permanent Secretariat of Transport Community

Support the creation of a fully integrated regional transport market based on the EU legislation and standards

Green Multimodal Transport Solutions

Connect the partners through the integration of sustainable and smart elements in road transport.

Achieved results

2009 - 2022

  • 843 km of local and regional roads upgraded
  • 167 km of motorways and 2 cross-border bridges with border crossing facilities built
  • 163 km of railway lines rehabilitated
  • Enhanced urban mobility for over 1.3 million people in Belgrade

Expected Results

2023 - 2030

  • 500 km of motorways built
  • 1,457 km of railway lines rehabilitated
  • 2 inland ports and 45 km of waterways upgraded


The Transport Community is an international organisation in the field of mobility and transport, consisting of 33 participants – the entire EU and the six Western Balkans regional partners. We are working on the integration of Western Balkans’ transport markets into the EU, by assisting the six Western Balkans partners to adopt and implement the EU legislation in the field of transport and by supporting projects that are connecting Western Balkans regional partners among themselves and with the EU.

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In 2015, the European Commission set aside up to €1 billion in grants until 2020, from the EU Pre-Accession Instrument, to support the connectivity agenda. In November 2020 at the summit in Sofia, the Western Balkan leaders welcomed the 2020 connectivity package with six projects in the areas of sustainable transport and clean energy. This package completes the delivery of the EU’s 2015 pledge, while at the same time constitutes the first step towards the implementation of the flagship projects of the Economic and Investment Plan.

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WBIF Rail Corridor VIII


WBIF Rail Corridor VIII

WBIF Rail Corridor Factsheet (April 2024)

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WBIF Rail Corridor X


WBIF Rail Corridor X

WBIF Rail Corridor X Factsheet (April 2024)

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WBIF Rail Route 4 Bar-Vrbnica


WBIF Rail Route 4 Bar-Vrbnica

WBIF Rail Route 4 Bar-Vrbnica Factsheet (April 2024)

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Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners