North Macedonia

North Macedonia

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North Macedonia

  • Population: 1.8 million
  • GDP: €12.9 billion
  • GDP per capita: €5,170
  • Public debt: 50.4% GDP
  • EU candidate: Candidate country since December 2005

'WBIF investments are instrumental in connecting people, creating jobs and boosting economic development in North Macedonia and the entire Western Balkans. WBIF projects bring tangible benefits to the lives of people and accelerate the EU integration of the region.'

Ambassador David Geer

Since 2009, the WBIF has supported estimated investments of €3 billion in the public sector in North Macedonia.

The country has benefitted from 48 grants for €486.5 million in technical assistance and investment co-financing. The EU IPA grant support channelled through the WBIF accounts for €466.3 million and covers both technical assistance and investment works. Other donors have contributed €20.2 million as well. 

€486.5 m

Investment grants:  €457.3m

Technical assistance: €29.2m



WBIF grants


Sustainable transport



Clean energy


Environment & climate


Human capital


Digital future


Private sector competitiveness

Breakdown of support provided below



Achieved results

2009 – 2022

  • 46.8 MW renewable energy generation capacity installed
  • 70 km of transmission lines upgraded
  • Better schools for more than 78,000 students per year
  • Healthcare research and treatment facilities for 1.8 million people

Expected results

2023 – 2030

  • 957 MW renewable energy generation capacity installed
  • 107 km of future-proof gas pipelines built
  • 205 km of railway lines rehabilitated
  • Efficient solid waste services for 1.4 million people

Support to Private Sector

wb edif

The Western Balkans Enterprise Development & Innovation Facility

  • €21.9m in financing for SMEs
  • 118 SMEs supported in North Macedonia

European Fund for Southeast Europe

  • €216 million in sub-loans since inception
  • 10,929 borrowers since inception
  • 49 projects supported since inception

Green for Growth Fund

  • €51.6 million sub-loan investments since inception
  • 229,405 MWh/year primary energy savings
  • 65,108 tCO2/year emissions reduction
regional energy

The Regional Energy Efficiency Programme

  • €19.5m in financing for residential sector (GEFF)
  • €2.2m in direct financing for private sector

Latest North Macedonia News

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The first private wind park in North Macedonia has started operating

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Work starts on energy efficient rehabilitation of student dormitories in North Macedonia

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Spring updates for WBIF factsheets


Spring updates for WBIF factsheets

Overviews by WBIF sector, transport corridor and bilateral donor-funded projects are now available.

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WBIF Rail Corridor VIII


WBIF Rail Corridor VIII

WBIF Rail Corridor Factsheet (April 2024)

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WBIF Rail Corridor X


WBIF Rail Corridor X

WBIF Rail Corridor X Factsheet (April 2024)

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North Macedonia and the Western Balkans Investment Framework


North Macedonia and the Western Balkans Investment Framework

Brochure on WBIF activities in North Macedonia in English (last updated in March 2023). 

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Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners