2019 - 2023 Maintenance Plans for the Indicative Extension of the TEN-T Network to the Western Balkans
The CONNECTA consultant team completes the five-year Maintenance Plans for the indicative extension of the TEN-T core and comprehensive road and rail networks to the Western Balkans.
The transport network of the Western Balkans is located strategically, enabling the continuity of the European TEN-T Network and connecting the Central European countries to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Under a future EU enlargement, the transport networks of new Members States need to be integrated into the European TEN-T Network. The development of the network in coherence with compliance with EU regulations would undeniably enhance the integration process.
To support the Regional Participants in planning and programming infrastructure maintenance, the EU-funded CONNECTA consultant team undertook the assessment of institutional and budgetary framework(s) for road and rail maintenance, proposed best practice solutions and prepared the Maintenance Plans for 2019 – 2023. Direct assistance to transport and infrastructure ministries, road authorities, and railway infrastructure managers in the region was provided as well.
The proposed measures and infrastructure improvements will lead to an advanced integration of all transport modes and will facilitate efficient, sustainable and high-quality transport solutions and thus increase the economic competitiveness and development of the Western Balkans.
Summary of maintenance needs per road route/corridor (CONNECTA)
The Technical Assistance to Connectivity in the Western Balkans (CONNECTA) is an EU-funded technical assistance contract whose overall objective is to assist in the development and completion of the core transport and energy networks in the Western Balkans region.
Additional information on the sub-project can be obtained by contacting Chris Germanacos, CONNECTA Team Leader, at [email protected], and/or Kostas Georgiou, CONNECTA Transport Key Expert and Deputy Team Leader, at [email protected].