31st WBIF Project Financiers’ Group Meeting (PFG) 19-20 May 2021
The Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) held its 31st Project Financiers’ Group Meeting (PFG) on 19 and 20 May 2021. Overall more than 100 participants from the European Commission, financial institutions (EIB, EBRD, CEB, KfW, WBG, AFD, EIF), Bilateral Donors, Western Balkans beneficiaries, Energy Community Secretariat, Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community and Regional Cooperation Council, attended the meeting.
The PFG discussion focused on the acceleration of implementation of the Connectivity Agenda projects and on progress on the implementation of the Economic and Investment Plan for Western Balkans. At the meeting, financial institutions shared first results of the informal expert groups on green agenda and socially responsible public procurement. The informal expert group on private sector development was launched.
The PFG assessed applications submitted to the 6th WBIF call for investment and decided to recommend for EU co-financing 11 new projects for a total investment volume of €1.4 billion. These projects will contribute to advance on the implementation of the Economic and Investment Plan for Western Balkans. The PFG also recommended for EU co-financing 6 technical assistance projects that will prepare new flagship investments to be funded through EU grants.
The 6th WBIF call for investments proposals will be extended, and a new call for WBIF technical assistance grants will be launched to allow partner countries to submit applications by the end of August.
The agenda for this meeting can be found here, and the presentations here.
WBIF Communication & Visibility Plan and Guidelines 2021-2022