37th Project Financiers’ Group (PFG) meeting, 23-24 May 2024

37th Project Financiers’ Group (PFG) meeting, 23-24 May 2024


The WBIF Project Financiers’ Group (PFG) met in Belgrade on 23-24 May. The meeting was co-chaired by Holger Schröder, Head of Unit Western Balkans Regional Programmes, Economic Investment Plan at the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, and Sandra Kassab, Deputy Director of French Development Agency AFD.

Over 150 representatives from international financial institutions, EU Member States and bilateral donors, and representatives from the six Western Balkans economies attended the meeting (about half in person, the rest online).

The projects submitted under the 10th Investment round, the 30th round for Technical Assistance, and the 3rd Round for Private Sector were discussed.

The European Commission presented updates on the roll-out and implementation of the EU’s Growth Plan for the Western Balkans.

The WBIF Partners welcomed the entry into force of the €6 billion Reform and Growth Facility on 25 May, which will provide financial assistance to support socio-economic and fundamental reforms.

WBIF 15 years Projects selection, May 2024 © WBIF

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) presented the first findings and draft recommendations from the Informal Expert Group on “Crowding-in Private Investments”. The full set of recommendations will be presented to the upcoming WBIF Strategic and Operational Boards.

The projects discussed at the PFG meeting will be presented for endorsement by the WBIF Operational Board members at the meeting planned for 3 July 2024.

WBIF Port of Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2024 (c) WBIF


During the PFG Meeting, the WBIF Stakeholders were presented with the WBIF C&V Guidelines and Plan 2024-2025, for improved and coordinated visibility activities.

The WBIF Private Sector webpage was launched, enabling beneficiary MSMEs to explore - via map or list - the investment priorities and available programmes for EU financial assistance to private sector.


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