Additional EU Grant To Improve Wastewater Services in Montenegro

Additional EU Grant To Improve Wastewater Services in Montenegro

06-12-2021 | Tags: Montenegro

A new EU funded project worth €350,000 has been launched for the development of a feasibility study and detailed design for the rehabilitation and extension of the wastewater and stormwater sewerage networks in the Municipality of Pljevlja in Montenegro. The Pljevlja Wastewater Project has already received EU support through pre-accession IPA funding as well as a European Investment Bank (EIB) loan for the design and construction of a wastewater treatment plant, which was completed in 2019. Further support has been provided through the Western Balkan Investment Framework WBIF grant for the construction of the main sewage collector.

The new project will provide the documentation necessary to enable investments in storm and wastewater separation, as well as extension of the foul sewer system to proceed, thus allowing for the completion of the entire waste water system. The investments should come through an EU grant and EIB loan.

Oana Cristina Popa, Ambassador of the European Union to Montenegro: “The management and treatment of waste water is a priority sector for EU support and we wish to see more national and international stakeholders support the development of those services on the entire territory of the country. We have recognised concrete opportunities when it comes to upgrading vital environmental infrastructure and are channelling EU funds towards this and other similar projects in the country. We are counting on a continued involvement of the national and local administrations so that jointly we can clean Montenegro’s waters. This is not just important for fulfilling the benchmarks of the environment negotiation chapter (Chapter 27) but it is of crucial importance for local populations and the regional and European ecosystems."

Alexandros Pamnani, Loan Officer responsible for EIB’s Lending Operations in Montenegro: "One of EIB’s priorities is to improve wastewater services in the Western Balkans and to help the region move towards more sustainable solutions that ensure compliance with the EU environmental acquis. The EIB is proud to support this important WBIF assignment which will help the Municipality of Plevlja improve its wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. The EIB is a committed partner to Montenegro and the project complements our ongoing investment operations in the water and sanitation sector, which already benefits several municipalities in the country."

Igor Golubović, Mayor of the Municipality of Plevlja: “The management of storm and wastewater is of primary importance to us here at the Municipality of Plevlja. We have made considerable efforts in this regard, and we look forward to the new project and working with experts to complete our wastewater project and realise the full benefits of our investments to date."

The Waste and Wastewater management projects are identified in the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans as Flagships within the Investment window „Environment and Climate". These projects concern sustainable and reliable ways of managing water supply, waste water and waste disposal, crucial for the protection of the environment and of the health of citizens.

More about the WBIF activities in Montenegro