New EU-funded Technical Assistance Project for the Central Wastewater Treatment Facility Launched in Novi Sad
The WBIF project ‘Technical Documentation for Central Wastewater Treatment Facility in Novi Sad’ has been launched on 21 January 2020 with the kick-off meeting held in Novi Sad City Hall.
The project includes preparation of the Feasibility Study, Preliminary Design, Environmental Impact Assessment Study and Tender Documents as a preceding stage towards the implementation of the central WWTP of Novi Sad with a capacity of 400,000 population equivalent. This project builds on an earlier WBIF funded project for the preparation of the Pre-feasibility Study and the Conceptual Design of the Novi Sad Wastewater Treatment Plant in 2017.
The project is expected to improve living conditions in Novi Sad and protect the environment, particularly in the areas downstream and under the influence of the Danube River. Improved condition of the cross-border environmental protection zone through reduction of the pollution load discharged into the Danube River, ultimately will contribute to biodiversity protection and ecotourism.
Western Balkans Investment Framework has so far allocated more than €1.3 million in grant support for preparation of the required documents prior implementation. The estimated investment cost is around €70 million, with the European Investment Bank as the Lead International Financial Institution.
Novi Sad is the second largest city in Serbia and located on the banks of the Danube River, which divides the city and the municipality in two parts.
Presently, there is no wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the city and the central sewerage system discharges at four outfalls to the Danube without any treatment, which poses a serious threat to the environment and human health in the city and downstream areas.
Mr Gvozden Perkovic, Director of PUC Water and Sewerage: ‘The Public Company and the City of Novi Sad expect to get a good modern solution of the WWTP in the Feasibility Study, all in accordance with relevant EU and Serbian regulations and standards.’
Ms Lijana Jancauskiene, EIB and Ms Valentina Di Sebastiano, EU Delegation to Serbia expressed their enthusiasm for the initiation of the project as the second stage of the earlier WBIF IPF4 subproject.
More information about the project here.
More information about WBIF activities in Serbia here.