Start of Project Preparation for Expansion of the Electrical Engineering and Technical Faculties Campus in Belgrade

Start of Project Preparation for Expansion of the Electrical Engineering and Technical Faculties Campus in Belgrade


One of the primary problems of Belgrade University is the lack of space for the needs of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (ETF). This has been a long-standing issue and is further aggravated by the development of new disciplines, the introduction of new study programs, and increased student interest for enrolling in this school. In addition, much of the available space is located in buildings dating from 1932 to 1955 (including 3,000 m2 of temporary facilities) and in need of rehabilitation to reach contemporary standards of security, accessibility, energy efficiency and other environmental standards and also to lower operational costs, primarily energy costs.

The European Union has supported the construction of new capacities and reconstruction of technical faculties of Belgrade University through a technical assistance (TA) grant, implemented by Infrastructure Project Facility 7 Consortium, which is contracted by the European Investment Bank (EIB). The lead International Financing Institution on the project is the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB).

The technical assistance includes the organisation of an architectural design contest, preparation of design documentation for the first project phase up to the level of the feasibility study, all fully compliant with the requirements of the financial institution, regarding the environmental and social safeguards, climate change impact and procurement rules, but also to provide specific studies, such as ESIA, geotechnical investigations and geodetic survey. The design documentation shall be provided at the level of Preliminary Design, according to the requirements of the national legislation.

The project activities started in July 2021 with the duration of 16 months, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia, the main promoter, owner, and counterpart of the Project, represented by a PIU established within the Public Investment Management Office (PIMO), an agency of the Government of Serbia (GoS). The Consultant will closely cooperate with the PIU/MoESTD, the end beneficiaries (ETF and the other 4 technical faculties) and other stakeholders, such as University Library, Archive of Serbia, EPS Elektrodistribucija, the City of Belgrade’s (CoB) planning and heritage protection authorities, NIPAC, CEB and EU Delegation to Serbia.

More about the technical assistance here