Study on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for part of Adriatic – Ionian Motorway now available
The findings of the study “Preliminary Design, Feasibility Study and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Murriqan-Lezhë section of Adriatic – Ionian Motorway“ were presented in a closing workshop in Tirana, on 3 July 2024.
The study constitutes part of the assessments performed for the Mediterranean Corridor (Routes 1 and 2) which connects central and northern Europe with the Balkan peninsula – from Trieste in Italy, down to Kalamata in Greece, through Montenegro and Albania.
The overall Corridor will be approximately 1,500 km. In the Western Balkans region, the corridor, passing through Montenegro (approximately 110 km) and Albania (approximately 315 km), has an important role in the integration of the Albanian road network to the European Trans-European (TEN-T) corridors.
The study is implemented under the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) Infrastructure Project Facility 10 (PLANET IPF10 Consortium) whose beneficiaries are the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy and the Albanian Roads Authority.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is the lead International Financing Institution. The project benefits from a Technical Assistance grant of €1.6m from the EU through the WBIF.
The results of the study, which started in December 2021, indicate a very positive economic return, proving this motorway eligible for further financial support from WBIF/EIB and EBRD.
The project is significant for the development of the transport network in Albania and in particular for long-distance and tourist traffic. In addition to its regional importance, it will increase road safety, bypass urban areas, reduce travel times and provide a reliable international transport link for passenger and freight transport.
ESIA and Preliminary Design on Murriqan-Lezhe section (c) IPF10, June 2024
Erjola Muka, representative of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, highlighted the vital importance of the Adriatic–Ionian motorway for Albania and emphasised the contribution of EU Delegation in Albania and EBRD to the successful completion of this project.
The representative of EU Delegation in Albania Ardian Metaj thanked the Consultant and the Beneficiary for the work done as well as the municipalities in the project area for being closely involved in the project. He also noted the contribution of EBRD, which provided valuable advice during the execution of the project.
Ilir Basha, representative of EBRD, reconfirmed their support of the project: “We are glad to see it coming to an end and bringing it closer to maturity. We hope to see all our work come into operation, and we are keen to provide financial support for this project.”
Project details here