WBIF 29th Project Financiers' Meeting
The Western Balkans Investment Framework held its 29th Project Financiers’ Group Meeting (PFG) due to the COVID-19 situation, as a virtual meeting, on 12 May. Overall 120 participants from the European Commission, financial institutions (EIB, EBRD, CEB, KfW, WBG, AFD, EIF), Bilateral Donors, Western Balkans beneficiaries and the Energy Community Secretariat participated in this meeting. The meeting was co-chaired by DG NEAR’s Head of Sector Mr. Wolfgang Schläger and by CEB, Mr. Vitomir Miles Raguz.
Due to the extraordinary circumstances, the agenda for this meeting was reduced to the essential agenda points, but it showed that the WBIF continues being fully operational and to prepare the decisions for the upcoming WBIF Steering Committee Meeting on 9-10 June.
The 29th PFG will submit 8 Grant Applications of €8.2 million for technical assistance (4 in the Digital, 2 in Environment and another 2 in the Social sector) to the upcoming 22nd WBIF Steering Committee for approval. Further progress was also made on the investment co-financing applications, which will be the basis for the 2020 connectivity package, to be presented later in the year. Also, projects in the environment and social sector to be supported by bilateral donor funds were advanced.
This virtual PFG also updated participants on other ongoing developments, such as progress and status of IPA III, progress of the WBIF 3.0 Working Group and the first outcomes of the updated WBIF pipeline Funding Needs Analysis and introduced the updated Communication and Visibility Guidelines and showed the latest C&V products.
More details (agenda, presentations) can be found on the WBIF website in Library.