Kamza Water and Sanitation Systems Phase 1

Kamza Water and Sanitation Systems Phase 1

Project Description

The Municipality of Kamza is located in the Greater Tirana Region and includes the town of Kamza, five villages and two unplanned settlements. As a result of a rapid increase in population to approximately 95,000 people through migration from other parts of the country in the past years, water supply and wastewater services have fallen considerably behind demand.

Water and sanitation networks service less than 50% of population, with 30% connected to the water system and only 18% to sewerage. Approximately 80% of the sewage effluet is discharged untreated directly in the Tirana River.

The WBIF has provided a €450,000 grant to review water and wastewater development options and proposed investments split into two phases. Phase 1, due for completion at the beginning of 2017, covers water supply and is constructed with the help of a further WBIF investment grant (€5.5 million) and a KfW loan. Wastewater collection and treatment improvements will be implemented later on.

Project Financing

WBIF Grant TA2-ALB-ENV-02 € 450,000
WBIF Grant MW-ALB-ENV-CEB;KFW-06 € 5,500,000
KFW Loan € 6,500,000
Local Contribution Own Contribution € 100,000
Total € 12,550,000
Total Grants € 5,950,000
Total Loans € 6,500,000

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners