Oslomej 2 and Bitola Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants

Oslomej 2 and Bitola Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants

Project Description

This investment project will install two solar power plants with a combined capacity of 30 MW on the site of the exhausted coal mine in Oslomej (an extension of the Oslomej 1 project) and adjacent to the coal-fired thermal power plant in Bitola. 

The plants are expected to produce 50 GWh of electricity, equivalent to the energy demand of 8,500 households, and displace 34,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. The project will directly address the inequality implications of the green energy transition and define reemployment and reskilling opportunities in the wider regional labour market to retrain the local workforce.

The EU co-funds the investments under Flagship 4 - Renewable energy - of the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans through the WBIF.

Project Financing

EBRD Loan € 19,836,000
ESM Equity Own Contribution € 655,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG06-MKD-ENE-02 € 5,124,802
Total € 25,615,802
Total Grants € 5,124,802
Total Loans € 19,836,000

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners