Orient/East-Med Corridor: North Macedonia – Kosovo Road Interconnection, Blace – Skopje (Stenkovec Interchange) Motorway Section

Orient/East-Med Corridor: North Macedonia – Kosovo Road Interconnection, Blace – Skopje (Stenkovec Interchange) Motorway Section

Project Description

The project concerns the upgrade to motorway standards of the existing road between Skopje and Blace, from Stenkovec Interchange (Skopje bypass) to Blace, the border crossing point with Kosovo*. This road is part of the indicative extension of the TEN-T Core Network (Orient/East-Med Corridor) in the Western Balkans, Route 6a, which runs between Ribarevina (Montenegro), Ribarice (Serbia), Pristina and on to Skopje, connecting Routes 4 and 7 with Corridor VIII.

This investment has a vital role in the economic and social development of the north-east region of the country, and facilitates international transport and trade in the region, as it links domestic markets to the Port of Thessaloniki.

The WBIF has provided €2 million in EU grants for project preparation. The WBIF has helped prepare the feasibility study, including the preliminary design and the environmental and social impact assessment for this section. The project benefits from additional grant support, which covers for the detailed design, tender documents and the full environmental and social impact assessment study, including public consultations. 

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


Start of the Technical Assistance for Motorway A4 Skopje – Blace, Section Stenkovec Interchange – Blace

Project Financing

WBIF Grant WB9-MKD-TRA-01 € 1,005,000
EBRD Loan € 155,849,831
WBIF Grant WB18-MKD-TRA-01 € 2,838,401
WBIF Grant WB-IG04-MKD-TRA-02 € 27,225,128
Beneficiary Contribution Own Contribution € 43,955,327
WBIF expected grant increase External Grant € 7,511,339
Total € 238,385,026
Total Grants € 31,068,529
Total Loans € 155,849,831

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners