Regional Broadband Infrastructure Development

Maximum Security State Prison

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Project Financing

WBIF Grant WB14-BIH-SOC-01 € 844,235
Beneficiary Contribution Own Contribution € 4,748,538
USA Government External Grant Grant € 189,561
SIDA External Grant Grant € 2,090,086
WBIF Grant WB4-BIH-SOC-02 € 1,200,000
WBIF Grant TA-BIH-01 € 500,000
CEB Loan € 19,161,346
CEB External Grant Grants € 297,756
EU IPA External Grant IPA 2008 and 2010 € 9,150,000
Total € 38,181,522
Total Grants € 2,544,235
Total Loans € 19,161,346

Project Description

Notwithstanding recent reforms and investments, prisons in Bosnia and Herzegovina still face overcrowding and limited financial resources for the rehabilitation and construction of new facilities. Conditions are even more critical for maximum security detainees, particularly those sentenced by the State Criminal Court. The latter was mandated in 2003 to address war crimes and post-war criminal and corruption offences. 

This project provides modern detention facilities primarily for defendants tried and/or convicted by the State Criminal Court. The newly built prison is intended for a maximum of 348 adult males housed in single and/or double-occupancy cells with en-suite facilities, including for persons with disabilities. The detainees will have access to training/education (workshops, computer rooms, and library) as well as sports rooms, with the purpose to assist with their reintegration into society. They will also benefit from regular medical care on site. 

This is first maximum-security prison in Bosnia and Herzegovina fully compliant with the European Prison Rules. The project was initiated in 2008 by the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina with EU grant support from the WBIF. It continued with a loan from the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and further WBIF EU and IPA National grants in 2008 and 2010 to assist with project implementation and execution. Sweden and the United States also contributed with grants to the execution of the project. 

Project preparation activities were concluded in 2012, while tenders for works and works supervision were launched in 2013. Construction commenced in August 2014 and was completed in 2017, with full commissioning in 2020. The WBIF EU assistance concluded in 2020 with the development of a management information system and provision of dedicated training to prison. 

The new detention facility contributes to Bosnia and Herzegovina's progress towards compliance with the EU acquis and international human rights standards in this sector.

Maximum Security State Prison, August 2017. (c) EU | Photo: David Kelly


First High Security State Prison in BiH Opened with the EU Support

Major Construction Works Completed for the Maximum-Security State Prison in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Code: PRJ-BIH-SOC-001
  • Sector: Social
  • Lead IFI: CEB
  • Status: Completed
  • Beneficiary:
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