Regional Broadband Infrastructure Development

Orient/East-Med Corridor: General Rehabilitation of Route 10 Phase 3, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica – Border with Serbia Railway Section

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Project Financing

WBIF Grant WB15-KOS-TRA-01 € 3,256,072
Other Sources Other Sources € 74,043,546
EIB Loan € 13,000,000
EBRD Loan € 12,100,000
EBRD External Grant € 400,000
Total € 102,799,618
Total Grants € 3,256,072
Total Loans € 25,100,000

Project Description

The Orient/East-Med Corridor crosses Kosovo from the north to the south on Route 10, from the border with North Macedonia to the one with Serbia, and constitutes Kosovo’s connection to the wider region by rail. The entire track is in poor condition, with serious structural constraints that limit traffic to 60km/h. Route 10 is part of the extension of the Core Network Corridors of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) into the Western Balkans. It has a total length of 256 km long, out of which 149 km are in Kosovo.

The route in Kosovo will be rehabilitated in three phases:

  • Phase 1: Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje – border with North Macedonia;
  • Phase 2: Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje – Mitrovicë/Mitrovica;
  • Phase 3: Mitrovicë/Mitrovica – border with Serbia.

This investment project covers Phase 3 and will enable the rehabilitation of the Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje – Mitrovicë / Mitrovica rail section and associated railway stations. 

The feasibility study, preliminary design and environmental impact assessment for Phase 3 have been completed. Additional financial support for detailed technical project design and tender preparation was granted by the WBIF in 2016 and these technical assistance activities are currently ongoing.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Results and Benefits

  • 47 km of railway track and associated railway stations upgraded to modern, TEN-T standards;
  • Passenger and cargo rail capacity and travel time significantly improved;
  • Railway network in Kosovo integrated into the Orient/EastMed Corridor, connecting the Western Balkans to Austria, Greece and Bulgaria.
  • Improved trade flows with countries in the region and thus a positive impact on the broader economy of Kosovo.
  • Countries: Kosovo*
  • Code: PRJ-KOS-TRA-005
  • Sector: Transport
  • Lead IFI: EBRD
  • Status: Preparation
  • Beneficiary:
Project financing split

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners