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Sustainable Hydropower

Hydropower in the Region

Historically, hydropower has played a significant role in the electricity production of the Western Balkans, with 8,605 MW installed capacity in place by the end of December 2016. This represents 49.2% of all power generation and 96.4% of total renewable energy capacities (e.g. solar, wind, hydro, biomass) in operation in the region. Hydropower development should be one element, among other renewable energy sources and the improvement of energy efficiency, of a broader strategy intended to replace carbon-intensive electricity generation plants and to achieve binding renewable energy targets, while implementing strong policies to manage energy demand.

The WBIF, with funding from the European Union, has supported the implementation of a regional, sustainable approach to existing and future capacities, with due consideration to competing water uses, climate pattern changes, potential impacts on the environment and on human community, and transboundary aspects, in compliance with EU Acquis and applicable international conventions as well as best international and regional practices in this sector.

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