Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans (REEP Plus) - KfW Programme Implementation

Regional Energy Efficiency Programme for the Western Balkans (REEP Plus) - KfW Programme Implementation

Project Description

The road network in Kosovo* has a total length of 8,522 km. Two SEETO routes transit through Kosovo in a North-South and West-East direction: Route 6, which connects Corridor VIII in North Macedonia (Skopje) via Pristina with Route 4 in Montenegro; and Route 7, which links Corridor X in Serbia (Nis) via Pristina with the Adriatic in Albania.

Route 6B (National Road N9), connects Pristina International Airport with Route 7 and continues to Peja and Route 4 in Montenegro.

WBIF has supported the preparation of the Preliminary Design for the construction of the midsection of Route 6B in Kosovo, from Kijevë/Klina to Zahaq/Zahac, approximately 30 km long. Other deliverables included the Feasibility Study Report; updated Cost Benefit Analysis, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Resettlement Action Plan; and Procurement Plan and Tender Documents for works and supervision services.

This WBIF technical assistance grant is a direct continuation of the previously provided support for the preparation of the Pre-feasibility study and Environmental Assessment for this section.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners