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The WBIF Secretariat

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The WBIF Secretariat is hosted by the European Commission. The Secretariat’s main role is to prepare, support and implement decisions of the Project Financiers’ Group and the Steering Committee, and to maintain an efficient working relationship with the NIPACs and the other WBIF Stakeholders.


  • coordination of stakeholders, preparation of the annual work programme and overall arrangements for  carrying out the screening and assessment of active Rounds for proposals  (both technical assistance and investment grants);
  • administrative support to the WBIF with planning and executing the selection process, including regular WBIF meetings (Paris Group, Project Financiers' Group, and Steering Committee), and recording of relevant activities via the WBIF Management Information System (MIS);
  • implementation tasks related to the operation and maintenance of the MIS and specific tasks  assigned to the Secretariat by the Project Financiers' Group, or the Steering Committee;
  • communication and reporting (e.g. Monitoring Report, WBIF Annual Report, WBIF website management).

The WBIF Secretariat is supported by the IFI Coordination Office (IFICO) which is a service provider procured and financed by the European Commission. The IFICO team is based in Brussels with a secondary office  in the Western Balkans.

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