Start of the WBIF Technical Assistance for the Prison Facility in Mojkovac, Montenegro
The WBIF EU-funded technical assistance for the construction of a new prison facility in the town of Mojkovac commenced on 27 November in Podgorica.
The project for the construction of a new detention facility in the town of Mojkovac was initiated by the Montenegrin Ministry of Justice to alleviate the lack of space and overcrowding in the prison system by providing adequate space for convicted persons from Montenegro's northern municipalities. The investments are part of the Strategy for Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions 2017-2021 of the Government of Montenegro.
The new facility will have a capacity of approx. 200 inmates and will be built in line with European Prison Rules and the Recommendations of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. It will also mark an important milestone in the justice sector reforms set in motion by Montenegro in view of its accession to the European Union.
The WBIF supports the preparation of the project with a €1.2 million grant from the European Union through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. This technical assistance includes the review and update of the Feasibility Study/Operational Plan and Concept Design as well as the development of the environmental impact assessment, designs and tender documents for the construction works and related services. The project will capitalise on CEB's previous experience in implementing similar projects in the region, the Lead Financial Institution of the project. It is expected to benefit from a €15 million loan from the CEB as well.
The technical assistance activities have a duration of 16 months and are implemented by the WBIF Infrastructure Project Facility 7.
Read more about the project here. Additional information on the WBIF operations in Montenegro can be found here.
Photo credits @ Infrastructure Project Facility 7 (IPF 7).