Corridor Vc Motorway in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Corridor Vc Motorway in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project Description

The Mediterranean Corridor links the Iberian Peninsula with the Hungarian – Ukrainian border. Its extension into the Western Balkans connects Central Europe, specifically Hungary and eastern Croatia, to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Adriatic Sea. With increasing pressure on the infrastructure through high daily average traffic volumes and a corresponding increase in freight volumes, Bosnia and Herzegovina embarked on an ambitious motorway construction programme, including along Corridor Vc on the Mediterranean Core Network Corridor, in cooperation with its neighbours.

The WBIF has actively supported the development of this Corridor since the start of the preparation works. It has mobilised technical assistance grants for project preparation as well as EU investment grants and loans (provided by the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) in support of various corridor sections. The total WBIF grant support to date totals more than €119.7 million. These investments will facilitate trade, regional integration and sustainable growth, and thus have a positive impact on the broader economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

More information on the Corridor sections currently supported by the WBIF may be found in the project factsheets included on this page as well as in the Connectivity Agenda packages, available here.

More details on the Corridor Vc may be found here and here.


EU Provides an Additional €21 Million in Grants for Flagship Investments on Corridor Vc in BiH

Launch of EU-supported Technical Assistance for Corridor Vc in BiH: Detailed Design for Prenj Tunnel - Mostar North

WBIF Transport Sector - Investing in Road Corridor Vc in BiH (video), 10 November 2020

Another EU-Grant for Corridor Vc in Bosnia and Herzegovina Signed

Corridor Vc under construction (video), (c) JP Autoceste FBiH, 23 July 2020

Launch of EU-supported Technical Assistance for CVc in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Works Commence on the EU-supported Svilaj Border Crossing Facility from BiH to Croatia

2015 Connectivity Project: Svilaj Bridge over Sava River in the Final Stages of Completion

A €9.6m Agreement Signed: Construction of the EU-supported Border Crossing from BiH to Croatia

Works Commence on one of the Most Challenging Sections of Corridor Vc: The 2017 Connectivity Project Zenica Tunnel

€15 Million Connectivity Agenda Grant Agreement Signed for Johovac – Rudanka Motorway Section in Bosnia and Herzegovina

High-level EU Visit to the 2017 Connectivity Project for Johovac – Rudanka Motorway Section in BiH

Connectivity Agenda: A New Bridge Towards the EU

€180 Million Loan for Mediterranean Corridor Corridor Vc in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Progress on the Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina Road Interconnection (Mediterranean Corridor)

Project Financing

WBIF Grant TA-BIH-08 € 400,000
EIB Loan € 121,000,000
EIB Loan € 75,000,000
EBRD Loan € 28,040,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 68,230,994
Other Sources Other Sources € 112,160,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG04-BIH-TRA-05 € 21,536,820
EIB Loan € 59,378,726
Benficiary Contribution Own Contribution € 2,047,500
WBIF Grant WB-IG04-BIH-TRA-06 € 38,768,800
EBRD Loan € 120,690,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 5,510,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG04-BIH-TRA-02 € 42,099,480
EBRD Loan € 64,380,805
EIB Loan € 76,280,413
National Contribution Own Contribution € 18,065,039
WBIF Grant WB-IG04-BIH-TRA-01 € 15,932,000
EBRD Loan € 59,310,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 28,878,509
WBIF Grant WB-IG03-BIH-TRA-06 € 9,016,323
EBRD Loan € 31,000,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 4,860,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG02-BIH-TRA-07 € 11,755,600
EBRD Loan € 49,502,807
National Contribution Own Contribution € 270,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG02-BIH-TRA-06 € 12,049,600
EIB Loan € 63,704,767
National Contribution Own Contribution € 6,500,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG01-BIH-TRA-03 € 15,279,600
EBRD Loan € 69,300,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 10,473,431
WBIF Grant WB20-BIH-TRA-02 € 4,973,412
EBRD Loan € 98,460,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 12,285,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG01-BIH-TRA-01b € 12,360,040
EBRD Loan € 46,357,569
National Contribution Own Contribution € 4,416,165
WBIF Grant WB-IG01-BIH-TRA-01a € 19,442,000
EIB Loan € 50,000,000
WBIF Grant WB1-BIH-TRA-01 € 2,000,000
WBIF Grant WB19-BIH-TRA-01 € 5,200,000
EIB Loan € 84,937,585
National Contribution Own Contribution € 2,780,675
WBIF Grant WB-IG00-BIH-TRA-01 € 22,523,849
EIB Loan € 11,345,810
EBRD Loan € 10,317,987
National Contribution Own Contribution € 17,408,410
WBIF Grant WB17-BIH-TRA-04 € 382,805
WBIF Grant WB18-BIH-TRA-01 € 4,753,082
EBRD Loan € 55,000,000
EIB Loan € 49,400,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 7,607,920
Anticipated WBIF INV grant External Grant € 74,850,000
WBIF Grant WB18-BIH-TRA-02 € 5,185,800
EIB Loan € 256,650,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 4,500,000
Anticipated WBIF TA Grant External Grant € 4,200,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG06-BIH-TRA-09 € 186,107,396
EIB Loan € 250,190,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 33,500,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 612,000
EU IPA 2011 External Grant € 800,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG06-BIH-TRA-05 € 31,416,752
EBRD Loan € 40,178,727
Beneficiary Contribution Own Contribution € 9,942,500
WBIF Grant WB-IG06-BIH-TRA-10 € 24,166,634
WBIF Grant WB-IG06-BIH-TRA-04 € 81,833,285
EIB Loan € 109,953,900
Beneficiary Contribution Own Contribution € 13,084,149
Public Entities Own Contribution € 30,878,699
WBIF Grant WB27-BIH-TRA-01 € 3,714,286
EBRD Loan € 300,000,000
EIB Loan € 200,000,000
EU CONNECTA External Grant € 530,000
Anticipated WBIF INV Grant External Grant € 68,930,000
Other Sources Other Sources € 178,496,855
EBRD Loan € 69,000,000
EBRD Loan € 75,982,103
WBIF Grant WB-IG08-BIH-TRA-05 € 155,918,379
EBRD Loan € 110,000,000
Commercial Banks External Loan € 110,058,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 7,000,000
WBIF Grant WB-IG08-BIH-TRA-04 € 141,350,233
EIB Loan € 197,901,000
National Contribution Own Contribution € 15,021,755
National contribution Own Contribution € 105,370,000
Total € 4,660,695,976
Total Grants € 868,166,176
Total Loans € 2,833,262,199

Partner Financial Organisations

Western Balkans Partners